Altrece Almost Legal AI
03-06 89 VEV
DOB: 2/23/2006
Altrece Almost Legal AI
SS: ++*B Kastdemur's Inside Information
S: +*B Kastdemur's Bad Attitude
SD: SGCH Kastdemur's Bad Habits *M
DS: *B Altrece Gideon
D: Altrece Legally Blonde
DD: Altrece Never Any Trouble

After losing both Hershey and Charmer, we decided it was time for a new herdsire. We have admired Legally Blonde for a long time, and we were absolutely thrilled when she actually had a buck kid for us!!

Legally is not only a gorgeous doe, long and level, very high headed, with good feet and a beautiful udder, she is a double White Knight daughter. Almost Legal's sire is Kastdemur's Bad Attitude, which made the breeding even more perfect for us.

Almost Legal is a beautiful buck. He has tremendous general appearance, length of body, excellent feet, and that same high-headed look as his dam. He was GCH Sr. Buck at the D6 LaMancha Specialty show in June 2007.

We are really pleased with the Legal daughters. They have such a pretty, stylish look about them with beautiful mammaries. They do take a bit longer to mature but they are certainly worth the wait!

Legal semen is available here at the farm.

Legal Daughters

South-Fork Legal Trisket South-Fork Legal Victory
South-Fork Legal Trisket LA: VEVE - FS 89 South-Fork Legal Victory LA: VEVE - FS 89
South-Fork Sweet-excite South-Fork Sweet-excite
South-Fork Sweet-Excite owned by Lynne Fancher
Photos courtesy of Lynn Fancher, Dreamfire Farm, Texas

Dam: Altrece Legally Blonde Dam: Altrece Legally Blonde
Dam: Altrece Legally Blonde

Pat. granddam: SGCH Kastdemur's Bad Habits *M
Pat. granddam: SGCH Kastdemur's Bad Habits *M
Photo of Legally Blonde courtesy of Altrece LaManchas

Photo of Bad Habits courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats