South-Fork HI Allure
DOB: 3/10/2018
South-Fork HI Allure
SS: *B Rockin-CB KR Hoku
S: *B Kastdemur's High Five
SD: Kastdemur's 7th Heaven 4*M
DS: +*B SG Kastdemur' AV Avalanche
D: SGCH South-Fork AV Azure 5*M
DD: SGCH South-Fork Sweet Hailey 4*M

Her current completed lactation is
2-00 1679 58 50

Allure is stylish and dairy, strong in general appearance with that board level topline and wide, flat rump. She has a beautiful front end and a high, wide escutcheon with perfect teat placement. It did not take long for this little doe to steal our hearts!! Azure has been a tremendous doe for us and an incredible producer. We are so happy to have another daughter in our herd!

Allure has matured into a beautiful dry yearling, we are really excited about her and can't wait to see her fresh! She got her dry leg last season, however we don't show kids again with legs unless it is a money show. We had the opportunity to enter her in the dry doe futurity class that our club has every year at the Harvest Show, and she won!! She is still just as beautiful as ever we were so proud!

Allure freshened with a beautiful udder, high and wide in the rear with a smoothly extended fore and near perfect teat size and placement, we could not be happier with this beautiful doe! Allure had one huge single doe kid and isn't milking as much as we think she will with another freshening. Her current lactation, in progress, is 2-00 215 1428 46. Allure was 3X 1st, 1X 2nd this show season. Allure has been bred AI to Shammy's TU Sentinel for late February kids

South-Fork HI Allure South-Fork HI Allure
Allure - 2020 Allure - 2019
South-Fork HI Allure
Allure - 2018